This adorable I Spy activity for kids teaches counting and animal names. This is a great printable to pair with a nature walk, hike, or camping vacation!

How to assemble the Forest Animal I Spy, preschool counting activity:
- Forest Animal I Spy Printable (at bottom of page)
- card stock
- scissors
After printing the I spy activity, cut out the animal cards.
Related Read: Kids Love This Raccoon Game That Teaches Letters and Numbers
Then, shuffle the cards and place them in a pile face down next to the I Spy board. Draw 1 card at a time. To add in literacy practice, have your child touch the word on the card after it’s drawn. While touching the word, say the name of the animal aloud. If your child knows letters and seems interested, they can also identify the letters in the animal names.
Although your child is probably not yet reading, this step helps expose her to the concept of words. It will also help them to understand that words are composed of individual letters. The more your child is exposed to written words, the more quickly they will realize that written words represent real-life people, places, and things.
Unless your child seems extremely interested, you do not have to include this literacy practice with every card, That may be a bit much for young kids. Instead, pick a few cards that you think will really interest your child and focus on those.
After saying the animal name aloud, it is time for your child to use her counting skills. She will search through the I Spy board to see how many of that specific animal she can find. Continue drawing cards until all of the animal cards are gone.
Happy Learning!
Erica has lived in East TN for over 10 years. She enjoys exploring this gorgeous region with her husband and 3 lively children. As a former teacher turned homeschool mom, she loves finding fun and affordable activities the entire family will love, especially if they cultivate a love for learning!
how to get the free print
There is no link to click on to get the free printable I SPY activity. What do I do?
Hi Amy! There is a very large graphic towards the bottom of the page that says “click here to download printable.” After you click the graphic, you input your email address and the printable will be emailed to you. I hope that helps. 🙂 – Erica
thank u in advance
How do you get it if you are already a subscriber to the newsletter? Do you just have to pay for it?
You just resubscribe and it will be sent to you. 🙂