Snowflake Suncatcher Craft

These dreary winter days typically leave you scrambling for fun entertainment, especially during the school break. Thankfully this fabulous snowflake suncatcher craft, which helps to develop fine motor skills, is a breeze to set up and a blast to create. Your kids will love watching the colors light up your windows all season long!

Snowflake Suncatchers Kids' Craft, Mom Explores The Smokies

In addition to decorating your home, this fun craft is a great way to hone fine motor skills. Fine motor skills involve movement of the fingers, such as grasping, pinching, and writing. In this craft, these skills are addressed through the cutting motions and manipulation of the tissue paper and glue.


  • large foam snowflakes
  • plastic wrap or wax paper
  • white tissue paper
  • blue tissue paper
  • glue stick or school glue


Fold the snowflake in half. Cut out the center of the snowflake by following the perimeter. Leave about 1/4 inch along the sides to allow you ample room to place your tape.


Tape a square of plastic wrap or wax paper over the center cutout. Then, trim the excess. Depending on the skill level of your child, you may want to complete these first few steps. For children with limited motor skills, you can give them the snowflake with the center already cut and covered with plastic wrap/wax paper.


Next, have your kids tear the two colors of tissue paper into small to medium pieces. Dab glue onto the plastic wrap/wax paper. (If it is easier, you can also put the glue directly onto the tissue paper as you work)


There are two options for applying the tissue paper. The first is to lay it flat.


The second is to crumple the tissue paper first, Then, glue it down.


Continue adding tissue paper until the whole center is filled. Hang in your window and enjoy.


Happy crafting!

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