Feed The Raccoon Alphabet Activity

This awesome preschool alphabet activity teaches letter recognition. The activity is inspired by the book “Little Owls Night” by Divya Srinivasan. In this whimsically illustrated book, little owl encounters all sorts of creatures on his night time adventures. The cutest little guy, in my humble opinion, is the raccoon fishing for dinner. So of course, he became my muse!

completely assembled Feed The Raccoon Printable Letter Identification Activity

Feed-the-animal activities are always so much fun because, for whatever reason, kids LOVE animals. In kid land, animals make everything better. You know, like bacon does for adults. If you are looking for more feed-the-animal activities, be sure to check out this awesome Feed The Bear Alphabet Activity from Fun Learning For Kids. Stay At Home Educator also has a Don’t Feed The Raccoon activity for number practice that is sure to be a crowd-pleaser!

How To Assemble The Feed The Raccoon Alphabet Activity:


  • raccoon printable (located at the bottom of the page)
  • computer paper or cardstock
  • scissors
  • 2 popsicle sticks or straws
  • small plastic container of any kind (I recycled a lunch meat container)
  • wide tape of any kind (masking, duct, painters etc.)


Cut out all of the pieces on the printable. Then, fold the raccoon’s face just under the mouth and cut a small slit.

cutting out the head of the raccoon

When finished, test the size to be sure that the fish will fit through.

inserting a paper fish into the mouth of the raccoon

Next, tape the Popsicle stick to the back of the raccoon. Then tape the bottom of the sticks to the inside of the plastic container. Like this:

taping the raccon head to a small plastic bin

Now, you are ready to play! Mix all of the fish, face up or face down, and take turns choosing 1. Have your kids read the letter on each fish they choose. If they read the letter correctly, they get to feed it to the raccoon. If they do not read the letter correctly, add it back to the pile, so they can try again later. Happy learning! (More activities for “Little Owl’s Night” below).

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